Easy business planning tools
These simple business planning tools can be used to flesh out ideas and to present them to others. This is a very brief sample of some tools which can be used to begin the process of change.
These simple business planning tools can be used to flesh out ideas and to present them to others. This is a very brief sample of some tools which can be used to begin the process of change.
This is the story of a small care at home provider testing the impact of using Caring Conversations to enhance relationships. Caring Conversations is an approach which supports staff, people using the service and their families to relate to each other in more meaningful ways.
This is the case for integrating values into the recruitment process in care. We worked closely with one provider to test out values exercises and develop a pre-interview questionnaire. We discuss why a values-based approach to recruitment may be more helpful than hiring based on experience and skill.
This is a story about bringing people together with a shared purpose to build partnerships based on collective change. The Fit for the Future project worked with Argyll and Bute council, NHS Highland and providers from the independent sector to develop ideas to improve the commissioning and delivery of care at home services across Argyll and Bute. An Iriss.fm reflection on this project can be found here.
This is the story of a care at home provider that wanted to work differently. Primecare Health began their journey wanting to become specialised in helping people living with dementia to achieve their outcomes, but learned along the way that it wasn’t just about dementia. This case study explores how co-design can be used to support change and learning, and how care at home providers can make little changes for big impact.
We would like to take the opportunity to express our thanks to the participants in the project including the members of the co-design group and Alzheimer Scotland for their invaluable contributions.