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Noticing beautiful practice

This resource is designed to help managers, staff who work with people and people who access support work together to celebrate beautiful practice.

The Fit for the Future project believes that good practice happens everywhere, but often we don’t stop and take the time to notice what we do well. Just think: what would things be like if we devoted the same amount of time to exploring beautiful practice as we do to investigating incidents?

We believe that noticing beautiful practice can begin a process of change that is based on doing more of what works. This is part of a cycle called Appreciative Inquiry, a process that focuses on what works rather than becoming fixated on problems.

We have designed these easy to print postcards

These can be used by anyone, including the people you support, families, friends and your staff at all levels, to identify beautiful practice within your organisation.

How to use the cards

Print out the sheet and cut them into individual cards. In asking people to complete the cards, explain that you want to find out more about what you do well as an organisation, so that you can do more of that in the future. It’s useful to ask people to be specific and give real examples. If someone makes a general comment such as, “The staff are always so polite,” tell them it would be helpful if they could give an example: “The staff are always so polite, they take their coats off when they come through the door and always ask me if it’s ok to move my wheelchair.”

Collect the cards together and use them to celebrate your team’s good practice at a group meeting. You might be surprised at how people respond to specific feedback on their practice. You might find other ways to make use of your cards: at supervision, in training, in recruitment, as part of a welcome pack...

Let’s celebrate beautiful practice together

Don’t keep your examples of your organisation’s beautiful practice to yourselves! Tweet us @irissorg and include #beautifulpractice to celebrate with the wider community. Alternatively, you can email beautiful practice to

Want to know more?

If you are interested in finding out more about this way of working, please take a look at our case study on Caring Conversations or see the My Home Life Appreciative Inquiry Cycle.